Dinner at Lawry and a horror movie

Last Friday after work, dear and I went to Mandarin Gallery, Orchard for dinner at Lawry’s The Prime Rib. We went to this restaurant because we have a 1-for-1 coupon from POSB Everyday Card. We first noticed the décor of the restaurant. It has a classic American theme (Lawry originated from Beverly Hills, USA) and the waitresses were clad in retro waitress costumes. Although the beef steaks are the restaurant’s best dishes, they cost $60+ per dish so we decided against it. We chose the cheapest dish in the menu, the Chicken Cordon Bleu ($33) instead. Despite this, we were in for a pleasant surprise. Firstly, like all fine dining restaurants, bread was served. However what was special was the butter served. Look at the photo below and you’ll see the soft and rich butter nicely displayed on the plate.

Next the salad was served but not before a “show” of spinning the salad bowl on a bed of ice after the waitress poured their vintage dressing in a “teh-tarik” style. The salad comprises of crisp lettuce, watercress, shredded beets, chopped eggs and croutons.
After a short while, our main dish arrived which looked like a smiley face.

Our first impression is that the meat occupies a small portion of the plate and looked unfilling. But while we were enjoying the food, we realize that the meat is actually quite chunky and had ham and melted cheese sandwiched in between!

After a very filling meal, we made a last minute decision to catch the 9.50pm movie – Child’s Eye at Cathay Cineleisure. It is my first horror movie I’ve watch with dear (pst. pst. he say he is afraid to watch horror movies but I managed to persuade him to watch with me =P). However we ended up sitting a row apart due to the seats selling out fast. “faints”

Fortunately the movie is non-3D as some of the horrific moments were meant for the 3D audience and the plot was rather lame (a half-dog half-child monster and a dog which can see ghosts is really… …) so dear didn’t really freak out. Some of the scenes also attracted chuckles from the audience but still overall I enjoyed the movie because I AM A HORROR MOVIE FAN!!!
After the movie, we managed to catch the last train (11.45pm), so lucky!

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